The DSAM AGM was held on 24th May 2011 at the Eastin Hotel, Petaling Jaya. This annual meeting was attended by 34 Member Companies and called to order at 10.30 am by the Chairman, Mr Paul Yee. Mr Khong Che Lam, the Treasurer then presented the Accounts for the year 2010 and the Estimate and Expenditure for 2011. This was followed by the election of the Auditors for the ensuring year.
The meeting then proceeded with the presentation of the association’s affairs by the Honorary Secretary, Ms Shirley Tay. A detail Board Report of all the affairs of the Association was presented to all participants.
As this is the election year, the election for the Officer Bearers for 2011 – 2013 was carried out. A new Board was elected for the ensuing term (see accompanying feature on the next page)
As mentioned in the CEOs’ Meeting in March 2011, DSAM amended the Constitution to enable more direct selling companies to join the association. These direct selling companies in question are the smaller or newly established companies in which the association proposed a more affordable fee criteria for these new companies. In addition, another amendment to the constitution, limiting the President’s term of office to three consecutive terms or 6 years was also carried out.
With no other matters being brought up, the AGM adjourned before noon. Member companies were then invited to a buffet lunch.