DSAM led ten Member companies to a successful Myanmar study trip from 28th November to 1st December 2016. The purpose of this trip was to gather information on the Myanmar Direct Selling industry and the entry procedures and regulations. The participating Members are Gano Excel, QNet, CNI, Zhulian, K-Link, NuSkin, DXN, Elken, PHHP and Totalife.
DSAM Members at the Ministry of Commerce, Nay Phy Taw, Myanmar
The highlight of the study trip was the two day ‘Direct Selling Workshop’ co-organised by the Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar and DSAM. The purpose of this workshop was to exchange information on Direct Selling plus providing our members the necessary information on starting a Direct Selling company in Myanmar. Senior officers from more than fourteen relevant Myanmar Government agencies including the Ministry of Commerce, Dept of Food and Drug Administration, Dept of Customs, Internal Revenue Dept, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and the Federation Chambers of Commerce & Industry were present. All of these mentioned government agencies gave detailed presentations on the requirements to start a Direct Selling company in Myanmar.
U Myo Min, Director of DICA providing information on company set-ups
U Tin Htut, Asst Director of Customs explaining guidelines for importations
Earlier on the first day of the workshop, DSAM briefed the government officers on the fundamentals of Direct Selling, laws and regulations current practiced in Malaysia and other countries plus identifying illegal threats that are constantly jeopardising the industry.
There were many positive outcomes from the workshop including the Myanmar government’s renewed understanding on distinguishing legitmate Direct Selling from Pyramid Schemes and other scams. A set of Regulations will be drafted to protect the industry. The Ministry has also given their blessing on the formation of the Myanmar Direct Selling Association.
As for our Members, they had the rare opportunity to meet with the Heads of the many Myanmar Government agencies and obtain answers from them in their preparation for their Myanmar expansion. The presentation slides by the Myanmar Government agencies are available for viewing in the ‘Members Only’ section of the DSAM website.
DSAM President Frederick Ng with his opening words
Participants from the various Myanmar Government agencies with DSAM Members