Call to Support The Initiatives #BenderaPutih #WhiteFlag Movement 2021

Call to Support The Initiatives of #BenderaPutih #WhiteFlag Movement 号召支持 #白旗赈灾

Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM) and Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) Join The Forces  马来西亚直销协会与马来西亚连锁零售协会联合响应白旗赈灾活动

Repeated lockdowns during Covid-19 are pushing many people over the edge as many have not been able to pay off their bills and the food for some time.

The #BenderaPutih (#WhiteFlag) movement, is an initiative that aimed to support those in dire need of food and essentials without having to beg for help. The #WhiteFlag movement has just taken hold and is sweeping the nation in few days.

Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM) & Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) have agreed to join the forces and we will aid to those who has put up a white flag at their door front.


马来西亚人民自主在互联网络上发起了 #BenderaPutih #白旗运动,呼吁有生活艰难的家庭在住家门前竖起白旗,让周围的人知道并尽可能伸出援手,提供所需要的食物与救济用品,让大家共度难关。此白旗运动获得许多国人的响应携手相助,无疑这是疫情期间最暖心的活动。

因此,马来西亚直销协会 (DSAM) 与马来西亚连锁零售协会 (MRCA) 决定联合响应此项白旗赈灾活动。


Calling to All DSAM Member Companies
Join Us to Support ##WhiteFlag Movement!  加入支持白旗赈灾,刻不容缓

Start from 1 July 2021, we will start collecting any willing contributions from DSAM member company who is interested to do so and all proceeds will go to providing the essentials for those needy. Do refer below bank account info for your reference.

为了帮助有需要的人们, 我们在此呼吁马来西亚直销协会的公司会员们,如果您希望给予协助,并可以捐助资金,以帮助那些因疫情导致生活困难的人,可以联系我们。所有捐助的资金将会用以购买所需的食物和日常用品,并救济相关人士。我们的银行户口如下:

Bank Account Name 银行户口 : Direct Selling Association of Malaysia
Public Bank Bhd Account: 3078894406
Reference: Company Name_WhiteFlag

Contact Person 联系人
Ms Feriz Mohamad (019- 378 7937)
Mr Lawrence Cheah (012-371 0201)


Call for Help 寻求协助

If you know someone that is in struggling stage during this period, please do not hesitate to provide the information (of those in need) to ease our job. We will response!


Name 名字:
Phone 电话:
Address 地址:


Support #WhiteFlag  Sokong #BenderaPutih  支持 #白旗赈灾
#WhiteFlagMovement #KempenBenderaPutih #白旗运动 #举白旗
#SupportUsSupportThem #KitaJagaKita #RakyatUntukRakyat #同舟共济 #与你同在
#StaySafe #Covid19 #Pandemic #Malaysia #新冠疫情  #马来西亚


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