Code of Conduct

Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM) is deeply committed to fair and ethical direct sales practices in the marketplace. DSAM believes in self-regulation and to inculcate the spirit and practice of ethical direct selling within its member companies. DSAM has adopted a stringent Code of Conduct by which member companies are to adhere to in every aspect of their business.

The DSAM Code of Conduct, endorsed by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, was launched in April 1998 and enhanced on 18 June 2009 by the Minister.

Member companies of DSAM must abide by the Code of Conduct as a condition of continuing membership. Member companies must include a copy of the Code of Conduct into the Starter Kit for their distributors and the Code of Conduct is also made available to the public Free of Charge (FOC).

DSAM hopes that the Code of Conduct would also act a guide for non-member companies to assess their own operations.

Click to view DSAM’s Code of Conduct 2019

Code of Ethics Recognition Program

Our Promise To Direct Sellers
(Download PDF in English / Bahasa Malaysia / Chinese 华文)

Our Promise to Consumers
(Download PDF in English / Bahasa Malaysia / Chinese 华文)

Code of Ethics At A Glance
(Download PDF in English / Bahasa Malaysia / Chinese 华文)

DSAM Complaint Handling Procedure

Direct Selling Association of Malaysia (DSAM) has a complaints handling procedure, whereby complaints that are unresolved by member companies are forwarded to the DSAM Code Administrator for decision. The decision made by the Code Administrator is binding on the member company but not on the complainant.

Besides settling complaints, the Code Administrator also conducts a series of not less than 4 visits per year to the premise of member companies to ensure compliance of the Code by members. The Code Administrator issues an annual report to the DSAM Board and may make recommendations arising from his findings during the course of his work.

DSAM Code Administrator

Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah

Email Address: [email protected]

Click Here to File A Complaint