2016 continues to be a promising and exciting year for the Direct Selling industry in Malaysia. Analysing our data collected over the last twenty one years, the industry is currently in the first quarter of an upward trend. Activities-wise, the following has been planned.
The CEOs Luncheon will continue this year with three events. The first will be held on 25th February 2016 with a talk by the Chief Economist from CIMB Bank Bhd. Interesting views including the recent establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the Malaysian currency will be presented. This event will also be our Chinese New Year Luncheon.
The monthly meetings with the Direct Selling Unit of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (MDTCC) will continue in 2016. For Members with any issues or positive suggestions, please forward them to us to be highlighted during the meetings.
The DSAM National Convention has been planned for 27th October 2016. Very interesting and relevant topics are being worked on for this event.
DSAM will be collaborating with the Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) in restarting the Global Women’s Economic Empowerment program. The train-the-trainer program by Kelly School of Business, Indiana University is expected to be held in May with the first intake of partipants in July 2016.
Working on the success of the study visit to China in 2015, DSAM plans to organise a study tour to Vietnam. The tour to this fast emerging market will be in the last quarter of the year.
The regular Board Member visits to Member companies, the Code compliance visits by our independent Code Administrator, and the Members Talks on compliance issues will continue throughout the year.
DSAM looks forward to our Members’ active participation in this year events. Should there be any other suggestions, please forward them to the DSAM Secretariat.